The writing was going wonderfully. Then I went on vacation. I always have such good intentions on vacation. I start out promising myself I will write every day. Then every other day. Then I will journal at least once during the trip. But this was a whole family trip and not much room for "me time" when you have 14 people to catch up with. And of course sand castles and ocean tide pools beckon and are so much more entrancing than a Macbook Air. So here I am, at the start of this week feeling vacation hangover and wondering where I was in my story having not visited it once in the past ten days. I tend towards serious hangover and depression after family vacations. All those wonderful people you never see, such a short time to catch up, then wham - back in Ohio and they're in separate places. My heart all wants them all in central Ohio with me, so we can casually take each other for granted and never get together because we are so close. I'm missing the more casual, less frantic time we usually have with my sister and her brood when they come into town during the summer, just hanging out and making s'mores at my parent's house.
But now it is time to get my head back into the Illian and the desert and see what Kadar and Sulis are up to. Worried that events might be wrapping up too quickly and know there is much that hasn't quite formed in my brain yet. Get the feeling this week the novel word count might be low, but the scene daydreaming and woolgathering will be high.